At work recently, I ran into a situation where the wonderful tabulizer package was just not picking up a table. I thinkt it was because the table was just text, and the cells were quite large, much like in the table below:

the full pdf can be found here

In order to get the text out in a reliable way, whle maintaining the table structure, I used a combination of the magick and imager packages in R, and the cv package in Python.

## setting up conda environment
## here() starts at /Users/samportnow/sam-portnow-website
Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = here('envs', 'bin', 'python'))

## python:         /Users/samportnow/sam-portnow-website/envs/bin/python
## libpython:      /Users/samportnow/sam-portnow-website/envs/lib/libpython3.7m.dylib
## pythonhome:     /Users/samportnow/sam-portnow-website/envs:/Users/samportnow/sam-portnow-website/envs
## version:        3.7.5 (default, Oct 25 2019, 10:52:18)  [Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)]
## numpy:          /Users/samportnow/sam-portnow-website/envs/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy
## numpy_version:  1.17.3
## NOTE: Python version was forced by RETICULATE_PYTHON
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Linking to ImageMagick
## Enabled features: cairo, fontconfig, freetype, lcms, pango, rsvg, webp
## Disabled features: fftw, ghostscript, x11
## Loading required package: magrittr
## Attaching package: 'magrittr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     set_names
## Attaching package: 'imager'
## The following object is masked from 'package:magrittr':
##     add
## The following object is masked from 'package:stringr':
##     boundary
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     convolve, spectrum
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
##     frame
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     save.image
## Attaching package: 'tidyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:imager':
##     fill
## The following object is masked from 'package:magrittr':
##     extract

The first thing I’ll do is subset the pdf to the page I want. The code below is adapted from extracting many pages, so that’s why I refer to pages below.

fil = here('content', 'img', 'pdf_example.pdf')
fil_name = basename(fil)
# get just the pages you need
pages = 9
# put them all in split pdfs
walk(pages, ~ pdf_subset(fil, pages = ., output = here('content', 'img', 'split_pdfs', 
                                                         paste0(fil_name, 'Page', ., '.PDF'))))
  # now you have all the split_pdfs
pdfs = dir_ls(here('content', 'img', 'split_pdfs'))

# so you convert them to pngs
walk(pdfs, function(x){
  filename = str_replace(x, 'split_pdfs', 'split_pngs')
  filename = str_replace(filename, '\\.PDF', '\\.png')
  pdf_convert(x, format = 'png', dpi = 72, filename = filename)

Now that I have the pages I want turned into pngs, I can use computer vision to detect the borders. Again, here is the page I have:

import cv2
import numpy as np
import os

pngs = os.listdir('../img/split_pngs')[1]
# make sure we are only getting pngs
pngs = [p for p in pngs if 'png' in p]

for p in pngs:
  print (p)
  # read the image
  img = cv2.imread('../../img/split_pngs/' + p)
  # put it in grey scale
  gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
  gray = np.float32(gray)
  # look for borders
  dst = cv2.cornerHarris(gray, 2, 3, 0.04)
  #result is dilated for marking the corners, not important
  dst = cv2.dilate(dst,None)
  # Threshold for an optimal value, it may vary depending on the image.
  cv2.imwrite('../../img/borders/' + os.path.basename(p), img)

And now we have the following png with the detected borders:

To extract the text, I am going to write a function that gets coordinates for the bounding boxes. To do this, for each point I detect, I get it’s corresponding “far point”, which I define as red pixels that are over 100 pixels away on the x axis and within a window of 5 pixels on the y axis. After detecting the far points, I simply making a bounding box out of them.

get_bounding_boxes = function(fil){

  print (fil)
  raw_img = load.image(fil)
  img =
  img = as_tibble(img)
  # look for the red pixels
  img = img %>% filter(cc == 1 & value == 1)

  ### from each x,y point get the closet far xy point
  ### were building lines here
  img = img %>% arrange(x, y)
  img$far_point = map2(img$x, img$y, function(x_pt, y_pt){
    next_point = img %>% filter(x > x_pt + 50 & y < (y_pt + 5) & y > (y_pt - 5))
    next_point = next_point %>% filter(x == min(x) & y == min(y))
    c(next_point$x, next_point$y)
  ## if they didnt have a far point them drop them
  img = img %>% filter(map_lgl(far_point, ~ length(.) > 0))
  ## break up x and y
  img$far_x = map_dbl(img$far_point, ~.[1])
  img$far_y = map_dbl(img$far_point, ~.[2])
  img = img %>% distinct(far_x, far_y, .keep_all = T)
  img = img %>% arrange(x)

  if (nrow(img) < 2){
  # x points are going to be from 1 - nrow(img) - 1, by 2, we're building boxes here
  x_points = seq(1, nrow(img) - 1, by = 2)
  boxes = map(x_points, function(x_pt){
    tl = c(img[x_pt,]$x,img[x_pt,]$y)  
    tr = c(img[x_pt,]$far_x, img[x_pt,]$far_y)
    bl = c(img[x_pt + 1,]$x, img[x_pt + 1,]$y)
    br = c(img[x_pt + 1,]$far_x, img[x_pt + 1,]$far_y)
    list('top_left' = tl, 
         'top_right' = tr,
         'bottom_left' = bl,
         'bottom_right' = br)
fils_df = tibble(file_name = here('content', 'img', 'borders', 'pdf_example.pdfPage9.png'))

fils_df$bounding_boxes = map(fils_df$file_name, ~ get_bounding_boxes(.))
## [1] "/Users/samportnow/sam-portnow-website/content/img/borders/pdf_example.pdfPage9.png"
fils_df %>% str()
## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ file_name     : chr "/Users/samportnow/sam-portnow-website/content/img/borders/pdf_example.pdfPage9.png"
##  $ bounding_boxes:List of 1
##   ..$ :List of 10
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  86 340
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  296 340
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  86 360
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  296 360
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  86 365
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  296 361
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  86 409
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  296 409
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  86 414
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  296 410
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  86 470
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  296 470
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  86 475
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  296 471
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  86 518
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  296 518
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  86 523
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  296 519
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  86 592
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  296 592
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  296 340
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  510 340
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  296 360
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  510 360
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  296 365
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  510 361
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  296 409
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  510 409
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  296 414
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  510 410
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  296 470
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  510 470
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  296 475
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  510 471
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  296 518
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  510 518
##   .. ..$ :List of 4
##   .. .. ..$ top_left    : int  296 523
##   .. .. ..$ top_right   : num  510 519
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_left : int  296 592
##   .. .. ..$ bottom_right: num  510 592

Now that I have the boxes, I want to convert my png to a high-res png. I am going to use ocr to extract the text, so I want to make sure the letters are crystal clear.

# now you have all the split_pdfs
pdfs = dir_ls(here('content', 'img', 'split_pdfs'))

# so you convert them to pngs
walk(pdfs, function(x){
  filename = str_replace(x, 'split_pdfs', 'high_res')
  filename = str_replace(filename, '\\.PDF', '\\.png')
  pdf_convert(x, format = 'png', dpi = 1000, filename = filename)
## Converting page 1 to /Users/samportnow/sam-portnow-website/content/img/high_res/pdf_example.pdfPage9.png... done!

Now that I have the file in high res, I am going to write a function to crop the cells and ocr the text inside.

fils_df$high_res = dir_ls(here('content', 'img', 'high_res'))

cropped_text = map(1:nrow(fils_df), function(row){

  boxes = fils_df[row,]$bounding_boxes[[1]]
  if (is.null(boxes)){
  if (length(boxes) == 1){
    if ({
      return (NA)
  if (! file_exists(fils_df[row,]$high_res)){
    return (NA)
  original_img = image_read(fils_df[row,]$high_res)

  crops = map(boxes, safely(function(x){

    x_start = min(x$top_left[1], x$bottom_left[1])  * (1000/72)
    x_end = max(x$top_left[1], x$top_right[1])   * (1000/72)
    y_start = min(x$top_left[2], x$top_right[2])  * (1000/72)
    y_end = max(x$bottom_left[2], x$bottom_right[2])    * (1000/72)
    width = x_end - x_start
    height = y_end - y_start
    crop = paste0(width, 'x', height, '+', x_start, '+', y_start)
    cropped = image_crop(original_img, crop)

fils_df$cell_text = map(cropped_text, ~ transpose(.)[['result']])

And now we can take a look at what we got!

final_df = fils_df %>% unnest(cell_text)
final_df$cell_text = map_chr(final_df$cell_text, function(x){
  ifelse(length(as.character(x)) == 0, NA_character_, as.character(x))
##  [1] "Research problem\n"                                                                                                                                                                          
##  [2] "What are the challenges of a new technical\ncommunicator in a start-up software\nbusiness?\n"                                                                                                
##  [3] "What is the influence of documentation and\ndevelopment processes to the work of a\ntechnical communicator in a start-up software\nbusiness?\n"                                              
##  [4] "How does a technical communicator produce\nquality documentation in a start-up software\nbusiness?\n"                                                                                        
##  [5] "How does professional recognition or lack of\nit influence the work of a technical\ncommunicator in a start-up software\nbusiness? And how does she in general feel\nabout the profession?\n"
##  [6] "Theme in the inter view\n"                                                                                                                                                                   
##  [7] "Challenges of the new job\n"                                                                                                                                                                 
##  [8] "Documentation: processes\n"                                                                                                                                                                  
##  [9] "Documentation: quality issues\n"                                                                                                                                                             
## [10] "Professional recognition\n"

This is probably overkill for 99% of problems, but still pretty cool to play around with!